Dr. Hannah Machemehl is one of our board-certified neurologists who is passionate about working with our patients with neuromuscular disorders. Dr. Machemehl is a member of the American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine and the American Academy of Neurology.
Here are some fun facts that you may not know about her:
Why did you pursue medicine and specialize in neurology?
I initially sought out medicine to combine my interest in community service and humanitarian work and my love of science. As I went through medical school and rotations, I was drawn to neurology because it’s a specialty with cutting edge research, [a wide range of diseases] wide breadth of pathology and patient populations, and that each case was like a puzzle that needed to be solved.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?
I love working with and meeting patients. They each have a unique perspective and experience, and I’m honored to be able to share some part of that with them.
What is the most challenging?
While I love the puzzle part of neurology, it can be challenging to sort through complicated diseases where we don’t always find a clear answer.
Why did you choose to practice medicine in Austin?
I have roots in Austin (my grandfather played football for the University of Texas in the 50s) and I was excited to move back South after training in the Northeast.
Why did you choose to work at ANC?
ANC is such a unique place where we get to offer the highest quality of neuromuscular medical care as well as diagnostic testing, research trials, and treatments all under one roof. I am grateful to be a part of a growing, cutting-edge practice where I can use my expertise in neuromuscular neurology to the fullest extent.
What would your patients be surprised to learn about you?
Throughout college and medical school, I was able to travel abroad to El Salvador, Guatemala, Tanzania, and Italy for my studies. Traveling and meeting people in different cultures has certainly enhanced my perspective on medicine and patient care.
We’re so proud to have Dr. Machemehl on our team and know our patients feel the same way!